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BC Ferries and TransLink want passengers to wear a non-medical grade mask while aboard

BY , Jun 15, 2020 11:30 PM - REPORT AN ERRORLAST UPDATED ON Jun 16, 2020 12:34 AM

File - BC Ferries and TransLink want passengers to wear a non-medical grade mask while aboard, and while TransLink is strongly suggesting masks should be worn, BC Ferries has made face coverings mandatory. (The Canadian Press)

As BC slowly returns to a slightly more normal routine in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are beginning to travel more and that has prompted a response from bus and ferry operators.

BC Ferries and TransLink want passengers to wear a non-medical grade mask while aboard, and while TransLink is strongly suggesting masks should be worn, BC Ferries has made face coverings mandatory.

Starting today and continuing indefinitely, ferry passengers over the age of two without a face covering will not be permitted to board a vessel that will be at sea longer than 30 minutes.

TransLink's approach is gentler, with its ``Wearing is Caring'' campaign that will give away more than 15,000 masks and encourage their use when it's impossible to stay at least two metres apart.

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