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Biden leads Trump in Pennsylvania's vote count

BY , Nov 6, 2020 6:24 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

A vendor sells t-shirts supporting Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Democrat Joe Biden is leading President Donald Trump in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.

By Friday morning, Biden overtook Trump in the number of ballots counted in the state, which Trump must win to have a shot at reelection. Biden leads by about 9,000 votes.

The contest is still too early for The Associated Press to call. Votes in the state are still being counted.

Trump's lead dwindled after Election Day when state officials began processing mail-in ballots, a form of voting that has skewed heavily in Biden's favour.

Trump spent months claiming, without proof, that voting by mail would lead to widespread voter fraud.

If there is less than a half percentage point difference between Biden's and Trump's vote totals, state law dictates that a recount must be held.

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