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Men with guns arrested near vote counting in Philadelphia

BY , Nov 6, 2020 10:57 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Election staff members pack ballots after polls closed at the Moose Lodge on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)

Two men will be charged with firearms offences after being arrested near the convention centre in Philadelphia, where election ballots are being counted.

Two men will be charged with firearms offences after being arrested near the convention centre in Philadelphia, where election ballots are being counted.

Police got a tip that people armed with weapons were on their way to the site in a Hummer truck.

Investigators say the men told police that the Hummer, spotted by officers near the centre, was their vehicle.

Police found an additional firearm inside the truck.

Philadelphia police said they arrested two men Thursday for not having permits to carry the guns they were armed with near the state convention centre, where vote counting is ongoing.

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